Thursday, December 30, 2010

My Daily Descry - Doctors

Doctors, the gods of the hospital...
They drift about the building having access to every room.
They come and go as it pleases them.
As they enter a room, the lower class leave out of respect.
Their years of school seem to make them all knowing.
Those beneath them are ignorant.
Yet I see them laugh at patients, ignore precautions, disregard their co-workers.
And they believe they are immune.
The doctor's word is law when it comes to care.
They scribble down orders without caring if it is unreadable.
Does years of schooling make one a god?
I find the ignorance lies in putting such power into the hands of humans merely because the highly esteemed word "doctor" appears before their name.
Do we not all have the ability to think, to discern, to decide?

The Beginning of the Blog

I've never had a blog before, but I like the idea of it. My main reason for wanting to blog at the moment is to share my observations with others. In life, it seems as if people are constantly moving past one another without even noticing what is happening around them. It is easy to simply keep ones eyes forward and focus on yourself or what you alone are doing. But there is so much to see all around us, if we would only take the time to look.

There is no where that I notice this more than at my job. I work in a hospital as a housekeeper. At work I see all sorts of people: patients, doctors, nurses, ect. There seems a never ending amount of people walk in and out of that building, each with their own problems, their own feelings, their own stories. I only get to see pieces of it here and there, but what I see intrigues me. I wish I could help those I see in real pain or distress. I wish I could correct the careless attitudes and mistakes I see health care workers make. I wish I could commend all those I see putting their heart into their work. So this is my channel, where I hope to say the things I am not able to say otherwise.