Friday, February 25, 2011

I did it!

For all the ones who said I couldn't, you were wrong!
For all the ones who said it was too hard, it wasn't!
For all the ones who said, "she won't make it", I did!
For all the times I felt like quitting, I'm glad I didn't.
For all the times I doubted, I say, believe in yourself.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Unspoken words

Tell me, do you like your job?
You enjoy filling people with fear and anger?
Is it worth it?
I'm just trying to get by.
People depend on me.
Sometimes it feels like my world hangs by a thread,
And you spin the scissors on your fingertips.
I'm not perfect. I make mistakes.
But haven't you made your share too?
Do you like rubbing it in my face?
Holding it over my head like an unspoken threat?
I thought you were genuine, was I wrong?
Or did they buy you?
Did you fold under the pressure?
And now you crush others just to protect yourself...
Either way, you disgust me.
You are weak. I am strong.
Cut the thread and I won't fall.
There's more backing me than you.
You put me down, but I hold my head high.
Because I know I'm right,
I know I'm not alone,
And I know you won't beat me. it worth it?
At the end of the day,
Will that paycheck be as sweet as you thought it would?
Will your sleep come easily?
Please, I'd really like to know...

Friday, February 18, 2011


Small cries echo through the cold air.
Arms and legs flail aimlessly,
searching for some comfort...
a scent, a voice, something familiar.
The world around is bright and cold and sterile.
The only semblance of home is the cushion of a soft blanket.
Uncomprehending this foreign world,
he lies there crying, warm and alive.
A new life has been born.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Do you want to live or want to die?

Cool metal is suctioned to her skin.
Wires flow out from her body.
The rhythmic beeping of a monitor sounds in time with the beat of her heart.
That small organ, no bigger than a fist, pumps life through her continuously.
Though it's weak, it works tirelessly.
She takes a deep breath as the doctor walks in.
Making it through the normal greetings, he cuts straight to the point.
"Are you still using Cocaine?" he asks simply.
"Sometimes," she confesses openly.
"You know cocaine is a poison. You might as well be taking poison. Your heart is already weak. You just have to decide if you want to live or want to die. Just something you should be aware of," he says matter-of-factly. The words having left his lips, he turns and leaves her.
The room is silent. The only sound is the pulse of her heartbeat.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Crash Course on Reading EKGs

So I'm taking a course this month so that I can learn to monitor EKGs. My first class is on Friday. Just scanning the textbook, I felt a bit overwhelmed. But I talked to lady who works doing that at the hospital and she said I could come to the monitor room after work and let her show me some stuff. Turned out, she gave me an hour and half lesson all about reading EKGs. A lot of it felt like it went over my head, but I took notes and feel like I learned a little at least. I think it will be good to go into class with at least a little info already rattling around in my head. It should be fun! I'm excited about Friday. :)