Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Unspoken words

Tell me, do you like your job?
You enjoy filling people with fear and anger?
Is it worth it?
I'm just trying to get by.
People depend on me.
Sometimes it feels like my world hangs by a thread,
And you spin the scissors on your fingertips.
I'm not perfect. I make mistakes.
But haven't you made your share too?
Do you like rubbing it in my face?
Holding it over my head like an unspoken threat?
I thought you were genuine, was I wrong?
Or did they buy you?
Did you fold under the pressure?
And now you crush others just to protect yourself...
Either way, you disgust me.
You are weak. I am strong.
Cut the thread and I won't fall.
There's more backing me than you.
You put me down, but I hold my head high.
Because I know I'm right,
I know I'm not alone,
And I know you won't beat me. it worth it?
At the end of the day,
Will that paycheck be as sweet as you thought it would?
Will your sleep come easily?
Please, I'd really like to know...


  1. Definitely sounds like you had quite a day. =\

  2. All Ican say is WOW! I wish I could give you a hugg - *HUGG* (cyber will have to do for now. Love ya!

  3. Mom told me what happened and how you handled it. Good for you! *\(^_^)/* (Rah! Rah!)

  4. Aww, thanks everyone. Nice to have my own cheering section. :) I'm getting more courage every day.


