Monday, August 29, 2011

I am a Housekeeper NO MORE!!!

I did it! I'm done! Saturday, August 27th, was my last day cleaning at the hospital. I'm free! It was a busy day, but a good one. I had a bunch of people congratulate me and say they were proud of me for getting the new job. I have to admit, I'm proud of myself. It wasn't as easy as it should have been. I couldn't believe how incredibly good it felt walking out that door and knowing that when I came back it would not be to scrub toilets. All those supervisors who made things so hard for when I see them I can only smile. They can't touch me now.

Wednesday I'll be there again, taking a class that's required for my new position. I get to learn CPR and other basic life saving techniques. It should be fun! I'll also finish cleaning out my locker and get my new ID badge. The next trial will be getting through training. That's always stressful. And after that...getting used to staying awake all night. Once I'm trained I'll be working 12 hour shifts, 7pm to 7am. But I'm preparing a "work survival kit" which includes all sorts of goodies like hard candy, chewing gum, energy drinks and such to keep me awake.

Right now, I'm taking a deep breath as I step into the future. This song fits the way I feel quite well right now. :)


  1. Hurray!!!!!!!!!!! You have every right to be proud of yourself. We're proud too. Just remember training is never as hard as you think it's going to be and I'm sure you'll adjust to the new hours in no time. SO HAPPY for you!

  2. I have to second what Penguin said - I also want to add that, for your survival kit, to make sure you have some protien sources in there to balance out the sugar so you don't crash and burn during you shift. Can't wait to see you so I can give you a GREAT BIG HUG!!!!

  3. Thanks so much for your kind words and good advice! I really appreciate the support! :)
