Thursday, November 3, 2011

Don't say the Q word...

I'm shaking my head as I tell you ridiculously superstitious nurses are about jinxing themselves or being jinxed. My coworkers are often warning each other not to use the Q word - quiet. Someone might remark that, "things are quiet tonight" and suddenly instant chaos must come upon us! People I work with really avoid making such comments. One lady went so far as to say, "It's pretty calm tonight. I said CALM! I didn't use the Q word." Excuse me, but aren't calm and quiet synonyms? How is one supposed to be better than the other?
They even knock on the nearest solid object when making such comments (the whole "knock on wood" concept). Seriously, I can't help but just laugh. I'm so glad to be free from worrying over such nonsense.


  1. Yeah worrying over stuff like that all the time would really put a damper on your life. And you would think that people like nurses who are so set in the medical/science world wouldn't be superstitous. Weird.

  2. Its amazing how many professional people put faith in all that. You would think they would have enough to worry about without adding "certain words"... people are funny sometimes. (Glad to see you blogging again!)
