Saturday, January 29, 2011

Busy, Busy

Well, the hospital has been really busy. They are finally sending people home and the patient count is dropping, but for every person that leaves that's extra cleaning for us! The PRN employees like me are getting the most work. I'm on a streak of 8 days straight right now. I don't get a day off until Thursday! Hope I can make it...

Lots of work, means lots of interesting observations though. Work is never dull. Today I had a lady talking to me in her sleep. I came in the room with my usual knock on the door and call of, "Housekeeping!" only to find the patient was knocked out sleeping. So I went about my job of cleaning as quietly as possible. But then she started talking to me. Her eyes were closed and I could make sense of most of it so I figured she was just dreaming. Then she started calling out to me saying hello. At first I wasn't sure if I should reply since she still seemed to be sleeping. But she kept saying hello so, finally, I said hello back. She jolted slightly, as if surprised, and mumbled something like, "oh...but I was just..." all the while her eyes still closed. Then her eyes popped open and she looked at me and I said hello again, introducing myself. She seemed a bit confused, no doubt having woken in the middle of a conversation and wondering how much of it was real. Poor thing...I hope I never talk in my sleep like that.

No time or brain power to share more tonight. Hope to write more soon...