Friday, January 7, 2011

Office Day!

Today was a change of pace for me. Instead of cleaning patient rooms, as is my normal routine, I was cleaning offices in the hospital. Normally, I clean an average of maybe 30 bathrooms a day. Doing offices I cleaned a grand total of 2! It was great! I spent the majority of my day emptying trash bins and vacuuming up those little, round paper punch-outs that people love to leave on the floor.

I did get a little lost. I've only cleaned offices once or twice in my whole time at the hospital and I didn't remember where they all are. There are seriously offices all over the hospital. I kept passing the same people in different areas and they were like, "Wow, you are all over the place today." I got a workout at least. :)

It's interesting that the more I see of the hospital the more I want to see. There is a certain air of mystery that surrounds certain areas that make me curious. For example, it was really fascinating to me the first time I saw the operating room where they perform C-sections. I had never seen an operating room of any kind. Now I'm curious to see the other operating rooms. Not that I want to clean them...I've avoided that so far. Plus, there's this room in the OR suite with a sign that says "Decontamination Room". I really want to see what that looks like. It just sounds dramatic. But I'm rambling now...

One last note: The joking about how I must being doing a hold-up because I'm wearing a mask is getting really old...


  1. I can imagine that your curiosity is getting the best of you. I would be the same way, but a little frightened as well. I'm not sure I would want to see all the things they use on people, because one day they may have to use them on me....=P But it would still be interesting.
    How big is the hospital?

  2. I'd so be tempted to check those places out. I've never seen and operating room. Too bad you can't bring a camera. :P

  3. To Katie - it's actually a pretty small hospital, only about 226 beds. But it's the biggest place I've ever worked in.

    To Siriyah - Yeah, I wish I could bring a camera. I could probably get fired though...

  4. Hospitals have always intrigued me (not from paitent veiwpoint tho - never want that again). I love to watch heat;h shows that go into the OR and trauma shows that show the real ER. Used to want to be a Paramedic (years ago) then a nurse but instead I married and raised five wonderful human beings. Glad you got a change of pace in your day and I too would be "over" the joke. AMazing how everyone who repeats bad jokes like that think they are so clever - ^_^

  5. Before having my kids I hated hospitals. I spent nearly 5 weeks cooped up in one when my dad went in the last time. And so I had a lot of negative association with them. But I also am intrigued by a lot of medical things, and especially recently being sick I felt so much more relaxed in the hospital. It was like as soon as I walked in I could breath easier and just lay back and be taken care of.
