Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Foul weather = foul moods and no babies

We had some serious storms this morning, which was rather out of the blue. I could have sworn the weather report said it would be sunny all week. Thankfully, I made it into work before the rain hit and by the time I left the sun had returned. Seemed like the weather had a negative effect on some people's mood though. There was an unusual amount of crabbiness in the air, most of it emanating from my boss.

On another note...
Strangely the baby suites were empty today. Guess no one likes having babies during a thunderstorm. Oh well, less work for me!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you were able to make it to work before the shys opened up. We so need the rain, I just wish it would come in gentler forms - lol. Interesting about the baby suites being empty - I would think babies would love to be born during storms... maybe they just like blizzards better ;)
