Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Proper Etiquette When Using Public Restrooms

I would like to take a moment to educate the public on the proper etiquette to display when using a public restroom. Cleaning some public restrooms at the hospital over the weekend reminded me that though most of these tips may seem like common sense, some people obviously need reminders. So here we go!

TIP #1 -
Upon leaving the stall, make sure to WASH YOUR HANDS. No one likes the idea of you spreading your germs onto the bathroom door or anywhere else you go afterward. This is a basic you should have learned from an early age. If you gave up on it years ago, there is something seriously wrong with you. Remember, just because you aren't worried about germs, doesn't mean everyone else isn't.

TIP #2 -
If your cell is on your person and begins ringing while you are using the restroom, is it really that urgent to answer it??? Seriously, no one in the stall next to you wants to hear your conversation. And whoever is on the phone with you doesn't want to hear the toilet flushing or you washing your hands while you chat with them. Granted the use of bluetooth may make this bad habit somewhat less prone to the spreading of germs, but still...Please be considerate of others and wait until you leave the bathroom to have your phone conversation. I'm sure whoever is calling will appreciate it as well.

Tip #3 -
For all you ladies out there, I feel the need to explain the purpose of those little shiny boxes that are installed on the wall by the toilet. When stocked properly, these boxes should contain several small paper bags. These bags are meant as a place for you to dispose of sanitary napkins. To use, open the lid of the box, OPEN THE PAPER BAG and deposit the soiled sanitary napkin or wrapping within. DO NOT just shove these items into the box without any regard to rather or not the ended up in a bag. Doing so leaves the housekeeper *ahem* like me, the pleasant task of reaching deep into the box and fishing out whatever goodies were left inside.

Tip #4 -
Before you leave the stall, please be sure to FLUSH THE TOILET!!! No one coming in behind you wants to see your business. Come on people, it's not that hard!


  1. Agreed on all accounts! People really need to wake up and use some common sense!

  2. You missed one -

    Tip #5 I realize that many woman today are afraid of contracting something bad so they choose not to sit on the seat when they go. In doing this it is impossible not to "spray" the seat - if you do PLEASE wipe the seat after yourself! The next woman that goes in (or the housekeeper) does not want to have to feel that they have to sanitize the seat before they can use it. But really - it has been proven that germs cannot live long on the dry surface of the seat. If you are truly concerned please wipe the seat, or use the paper liner provided (if not provided use two sheets of Tpaper) if you use any of these methods PLEASE DISPOSE of your used paper in the toliet - DO NOT leave it on the seat or the floor for someone else to pick up. There is nothing more disgusting than going into a stall and finding the seat sprayed and wet or wet paper hanging from it.

    (Guess I have one more)

    Tip #6 - Once you have washed your hands, PLEASE turn off the water. Do not leave it running as that is a wasteful attitude towards the enviornment and inconsiderate of those who come in after. Just take a piece of paper and turn off the faucet - then throw out the paper. (or you can use your elbow)

    Ok one more...

    Tip #7 - Many do not want to use our clean hands to open the door on our way out for there are those who do not wash (see tip #1 if this is you) While it is understood that using a paper towel to open the door is acceptable - throwing said towel on the floor next to the door is not. Please dispose of it responsibly.

  3. Yes I agree with all those also.

  4. Amen to all tips!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. I SOOOOOOO agree with #5. Seriously your skin is the first and best line of defense your body has against germs. As long as its no broken nothing is going to get through it. So as long as you don't have any cuts on your butt, just sit like everyone else please?
