Tuesday, April 5, 2011

No Life too Small to Save

At the hospital we are all about trying to save lives. So the other day, a lowly housekeeper got to play a role in this lofty endeavor. I single-handedly saved a life from near certain death! This poor soul I saved was a fuzzy caterpillar that I found in a trash can... :)
The poor little guy freaked me out at first. A live caterpillar is hardly something you expect to find when emptying the trash. But since I had gloves on, I let him escape onto my hand and I walked him outside. Of course, I showed off the handsome fellow to a few nurses on the way. It's amazing how such a small creation of Jehovah can inspire wonder and awe. Anyway, I let him out onto some green grass where he may live the rest of his life happily ever after. Remember, no life is too small to be worth saving. :)


  1. Awww...good for you. One day he'll be a beautiful butterfly and then evvvvveryything will be better!

  2. This post makes me so happy! Thank you for saving that small creation of Jehovah's. I love watching those little guys move around - hope you got some smiles from the nurses.

  3. Oh how cool. That must have made your day knowing he could have a safe happy life thanks to your kindness.

  4. Yeah, the little guy brought some smiles. And I couldn't help but think of some awesome caterpillars like the one in Bug's Life and Alice in Wonderland. Who would want to kill those cool critters?

  5. What a neat story. I hate killing bugs, especially if they're harmless. Unfortunately, in my line of work I occasionally kill various bugs, lizards, and frogs simply because they dash into harms way. I always feel terrible afterward.
