Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Not in the job description

So I was thinking today, dear God, if I have to see any more nudity today I'm gonna puke. I do not ever recall reading it the job description that as I clean patient rooms I may or may not have to put up with seeing much more than I want to! And why are so many people completely unconcerned with rather or not they are flashing people?

Thankfully, this situation has made me very skilled at being able to do all my work while keeping my eyes focused only on the floor. I'll tell you, it takes some skill to be able to do that. But hey, you can't come in the room after me and say that floor is dirty. Trust me, it's the cleanest thing in the room.


  1. Oh how funny - sad too, I guess, but your post did make me laugh. Its amazing what skills we develope in order to survive this system. You should hear the stories my daughter-in-law Marcie tells from this kind of thing in her line of work...(Massage Therapy) Huggs little Sis!

  2. Thanks! I keep thinking of changing jobs because of this and other reasons, but being a housekeeper has allowed me to meet a lot of people at work and start witnessing to them. Plus, I'm always meeting brothers and sisters who come in, which is encouraging for me and hopefully for them as well.

  3. I am so totally sure that your being there is a blessing for many of the brothers and sisters that have to be there. And your opportunity to witness to so many people is a blessing for you, I'm sure I don't speak to half the people you get to. I would love to hear some of your experiences if you get a chance to post them from time to time.

  4. "And why are so many people completely unconcerned with rather or not they are flashing people?"

    I can think of lots of reasons for this:

    a)for a lot of people a sense of modesty about their bodies was trained out of them by public school and the whole group showering thing [at least this is a pet theory of mine]

    b)a lot of people are drugged and out of it and are less aware of themselves/less likely to care what's hanging out of what

    c)from my own experience you tend to be handled very matter-of-factly in the hospital. You're there to be treated and that requires seeing/touching/doing stuff to your body. So you have to get used to turning over a certain amount of control of yourself to the nurses and doctors and it to deal with that people will end up losing their 'sense of shame' so to speak.

    So I'm sorry you have to deal with it, but it's not really a matter of we all just LOVE flashing our parts at people. It's just kinda a side effect of the environment.

  5. Yeah, I get that. I have seen plenty of people who were really drugged and I know they didn't even have a clue they were flashing anyone. That's why I say, if I'm ever unconscious in the hospital, please as family and close friends, make sure I'm covered!!! I just think that since I'm only a housekeeper and I'm not there to do anything to the patient, wouldn't they who can, choose to have privacy over not? I mean, I can't count how many times a guy will uncover himself, pull out his urinal and just start going even though I'm already mopping myself out the door. Couldn't he wait a few seconds until I'm out of the room? But like you said in point A and C, maybe they just aren't thinking about their dignity and don't really care. Too bad I do care...

  6. Don't ever stop caring sweetie, don't ever stop.

  7. Hmm...yeah but peeing in front of you like that, they really could probably wait for...although I do remember catching an elderly man peeing in front of a tree once. So for some people when they have to go they have to go I guess. lol
